TUFLOW Message 1262

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TUFLOW Message
WARNING 1262 - Manning's n value of <Manning's n value> for channel <Channel ID> is unusually low or high.

Alternate Message

Message Type

Manning's n value assigned to channel is outside normal range.

Check Manning's n value for channel. If material values are defined in the XZ cross-section ("M" flag), the n_or_n_F attribute in the 1d_nwk is a multiplication factor and should be set to 1 (this may be adjusted as part of the calibration process). This can occur if a the multiplication value is set to a typical Manning's value (e.g. 0.04) and materials are defined in the XZM cross-section. In this case the Manning's n value may become 0.04 x 0.04 = 0.0016!

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