TUFLOW Message 2076

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TUFLOW Message
WARNING 2076 - 3D breakline with snapped point(s) does not have a point at its end. 2D line assumed.

Alternate Message

Message Type

3D breakline with snapped point(s) does not have a point at its end. The line is assumed to be a 2D break line (ie. a line of constant height). If using a breakline with elevaton points snapped anywhere along its length it should have points and the start and end of the line. In this case the elevation of the line oject is used.

The geometry control file (.tgc) file command:
Allow Dangling Z Lines == ON
Can be added, in this case TUFLOW assigns the elevation of the nearest snapped point to the dangling end. This command may be used several times through a .tgc file to change the setting before different Read GIS Z Line == commands. Elevations applied to dangling ends are displayed to the screen and log file.

Add an elevation point to the end of the breakline or add the Allow Dangling Z Lines == ON.

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