TUFLOW Message 2146

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for "Inside Region == Method B".

Alternate Message
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for GIS Objects.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for Interpolation Work Arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for Read MI Z Line Work Arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for Read MI Z Shape Work Arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for TIN Creation.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for TIN Interpolation Work Arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for temporary Read MI FC Shape arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for temporary Read MI Layered FC Shape arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for temporary Read MI Variable Z Shape arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for temporary Read MI Z Variable Shape arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for wide 3D breakline analysis.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for writing TIN - contact support@tuflow.com.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for writing map output.
WARNING 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for temporary zpt XF array - no XF file will be written.
WARNING 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for temporary zpt XF array. XF file not being used.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory (RAM) for TIN Interpolation Work Arrays.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate temporary memory for GRID Band information.
ERROR 2146 - Could not allocate memory for ESTRY AD Objects.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for treatment tracer params: "<tracer name>".
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for treatment properties for "<device name>".
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for storing cell faces for device "<device name>".
ERROR 2146 - Allocating temporary memory for sending tracer removal data to HPC.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating temporary memory for extracting cells along line.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for global equation treatment options.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for global table treatment options.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for treatment devices.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for treatment device GIS layer filepaths.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating output memory for intervention measures.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for treatment database.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for treatment database entry.
ERROR 2146 - Allocating memory for storing tracer removal table: "<file>".
ERROR 2146 - Allocating temporary memory for adding HX boundary cells.
ERROR 2146 - xf file write memory allocation.
ERROR 2146 - Unable to allocate memory for SWMM.

Message Type

Could not allocate temporary memory (RAM) for processing of input file. Either there is not enough RAM to run the model or the RAM has been used up with other processes. Use Windows Task Manager to see how much memory is free and avoid accessing Virtual Memory as this will slow the simulation down. The "Mem Usage" and "VM Size" columns (go to View, Select Columns...) are useful to view each processes usage.

Search through the .tlf file for "memory" to find where in the model the memory is needed. This gives some guidance on which parts of the model memory allocation is consuming all the memory. Use machine with more RAM if model cannot be optimised.
Delete all "xf" folders in the "model" folder and run the model again with the latest release if possible.

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