TUFLOW Message 2447

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2447 - Sending HT hydrograph to HPC. HPC ERROR Code (see hpc.tlf) = 3022
ERROR 2447 - Sending automatic HQ hydrograph to HPC Solver. HPC ERROR Code (see hpc.tlf) = 30XX

Alternate Message
ERROR 2447 - Sending HT hydrograph to GPU.
ERROR 2447 - Sending automatic HQ hydrograph to GPU.

Message Type

Error during the initialisation of an HT or an automatic HQ boundary for the HPC/GPU solvers.

These errors are often related to the HPC errors 3020, 3021 and 3022. Please check the hpc.tlf file and amend the boundary input files based on the suggestions in the following links.

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