TUFLOW Message 2541

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2541 - SX polygon selects no cells.

Alternate Message
CHECK 2541 - SX polygon selects no cells, centroid used.
CHECK 2541 - BC polyline selects no cells, using midpoint.

Message Type

No cell centre falls within SX polygon. If the message type is "CHECK", the SA polygon centroid still falls within the active model domain and the centroid will be used to choose the nearest cell as a connection between 1D and 2D. If the message type is "ERROR", the SA polygon centroid falls outside the model and the TUFLOW will exit with error. If CHECK 2541 appears for a polyline, the 2D cell in which the midpoint of the polyline falls within will be used as the connection location.

Review the SX polygon size and check if it is located inside the active model domain.

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