TUFLOW Message 2830

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2830 - Nesting polygon outside level 1 polygon.

Alternate Message
ERROR 2830 - Nesting polygon outside computational domain.

Message Type

Quadtree nesting polygons can only be completely within level 1 polygon in 2d_qnl layer or 2d_code layer if level 1 polygon in 2d_qnl layer is not used.
Quadtree nesting polygons can only be within the model domain.

Check the extent of nesting polygons is completely within level 1 polygon in 2d_qnl layer or 2d_code layer if level 1 polygon in 2d_qnl layer is not used. If "Model Origin and Extent" and "Orientation Angle" is set to "TGC" level 1 polygon doesn't need to be specified. In such case model domain will be used as level 1 polygon and nesting levels can be snapped to the code polygon.
Check the dom_check file if it needs extending. If TUFLOW doesn't produce this file, insert "Verbose == ON" in .tcf to output pre-processing dom_check file.

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