TUFLOW Message 3043

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 3043 - Model unstable.

Alternate Message
ERROR 3043 - Too many consecutive failed step attempts.

Message Type


  • A model running with fixed timestep has encountered NaNs.
  • A model running with adaptive timestep has exceeded the maximum step retry count.
  • A model running with adaptive timestep has dropped below the minimum allowable timestep.


  • If running a fixed timestep for a reason, consider first running in adaptive timestep mode and then identifying the minimum timestep used in the .hpc.dt.csv file, and then using this value (or slightly less) as the fixed timestep.
  • If running with adaptive timestep and the model has exceeded the maximum step retry count, try running with a reduced "HPC Control Number".
  • If running with adaptive timestep and the model has dropped below the minimum allowable timestep, consider whether the minimum timestep is reasonable and reduce if necessary.
  • Also review the "Minimum dt" map output and messages layer to see if a particular location is responsible, and then review model details in the region.

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