Tute M05 MI 2d zsh Archive

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In this page we describe the GIS modifications required for tutorial module 5 using MapInfo.


  1. From the model\mi\empty\ folder import the 2d_zsh_empty.mif and save it in the model\mi\ folder as mi\2d_zsh_M05_development_001.
  2. Add this layer to the map window and make this the editable layer.
  3. Open the Fill_Area and Cut_Area layers provided in the Module_Data\Module_05\.
  4. Copy the polygon from the Fill_Area table and paste this into the mi\2d_zsh_M05_development_001 layer.
  5. Set the following attributes:
    Attribute Value
    Z 50
    dz 0
    Shape_Width 0
    Shape_Options MAX NO MERGE
    The attributes are described fully in Table 4.8 of the 2010 TUFLOW manual. However, in brief we are setting the elevation to 50 m (Z = 50), where the elevation of 50 m is above the current surface elevation ("MAX") and the "NO MERGE" option indicates that we do not want to merge the surface elevations at the perimeter of the polygon. Essentially, within the fill area polygon we are stamping the elevation of 50 m into the model where the elevation is currently less than 50 m.
  6. Copy the polygon from the Cut_Area table and paste this into the mi\2d_zsh_M05_development_001 layer.
  7. Set the following attributes:
    Attribute Value
    Z -1
    dz 0
    Shape_Width 0
    Shape_Options ADD NO MERGE
    For this polygon we are adding -1 to all elevations within the polygon, i.e. within the polygon we are subtracting 1 m from all the elevations.
  8. Save the table and export the 2d_zsh layer so that it is ready for use in TUFLOW.


The MapInfo layer datasets have been created. The next step is to modify the control files. Please return to the module 5 page.