Vector Format Conversion Using ogr2ogr

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This page lists useful batch file examples for using ogr2ogr.exe. For complete documentation on this tool please visit

Basic Format Conversion

Format conversion can be done using "-f <format_name>" then specifying the "<destination_filename> <source_filename>".


ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG 2d_code_M01_R.gpkg 2d_code_M01_R.shp

MIF to SHP - assuming only one geometry type exists in the MIF file

ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" 2d_code_M01_R.shp 2d_code_M01.mif

SHP to MIF - TAB and MIF use the same command just with different extensions on the destination file

ogr2ogr.exe -f "Mapinfo File" 2d_code_M01_R.mif 2d_code_M01.shp

MIF to SHP Force Overwrite an Existing File

  • -overwrite: overwrite the output file if it exists
ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -overwrite 2d_code_M01_R.shp 2d_code_M01.mif

Bulk Format Conversion

Convert All Files Within Folder to a Single GPKG

ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG all_layers.gpkg ./path/to/dir

Convert All Files Within Folder to a Single GPKG with Wildcard

ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG all_layers.gpkg ./path/to/dir/*.shp

Convert All Files From a GPKG to a SHP

ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG ./path/to/outdir all_layers.gpkg

Convert Single Layer To/From GPKG

Convert Single Layer From GPKG - Uses an SQL statement to select all features from a given layer

ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -sql "SELECT * FROM '2d_code_M01_R'" 2d_code_M01_R.shp all_layers.gpkg

Convert Single Layer From GPKG and convert the layer type

  • -nlt <geometry type>: assigns the geometry type of the output layer - typical values [POLYGON | LINESTRING | POINT]. See gdal ogr2ogr documention for other options.
ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -sql "SELECT * FROM '2d_code_M01_R'" -nlt POLYGON 2d_code_M01_R.shp all_layers.gpkg

Convert Single Layer From GPKG and convert the layer type and convert multipart geometries to singlepart

  • -explodecollections: splits multipart geometries into individual features.
ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -sql "SELECT * FROM '2d_code_M01_R'" -nlt POLYGON -explodecollections 2d_code_M01_R.shp all_layers.gpkg

Convert Single SHP Into a New GPKG Where Layer Name is Different From Database Name

  • -nln <layername>: assigns the name of the layer within database
ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG -nln 2d_code_M01_R new_database.gpkg 2d_code_M01_R.shp

Convert Single SHP Into an Existing GPKG

  • -append: appends the layer into an existing database
ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG -nln 2d_code_M01_R -append existing_database.gpkg 2d_code_M01_R.shp

Converting MIF File With Multiple Geometry Types

MIF With Multiple Geometry Types To SHP

  • -where <clause>: "-where" can be used to specify a clause to only select a given geometry type
ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='Point'" 2d_zsh_P.shp 2d_zsh.mif
ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='LineString'" 2d_zsh_L.shp 2d_zsh.mif
ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='Polygon'" 2d_zsh_R.shp 2d_zsh.mif

MIF With Multiple Geometry Types To a Single GPKG

  • -nlt <geometry_type>: Defines the geometry type for the output layer. Useful when converting to formats that implement strict checks for geometry types (e.g. Don't allow "Singlepart" geometry and "Multipart" geometry in the same layer.
ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG -nln 2d_zsh_P -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='Point'" -nlt POINT 2d_zsh.gpkg 2d_zsh.mif
ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG -nln 2d_zsh_L -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='LineString'" -nlt LINESTRING -append 2d_zsh.gpkg 2d_zsh.mif
ogr2ogr.exe -f GPKG -nln 2d_zsh_R -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='Polygon'" -nlt POLYGON -append 2d_zsh.gpkg 2d_zsh.mif

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