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* Ensight geometry file;
* Ensight geometry file;
* Ensight results as either per node or per element depending on the input file.
* Ensight results as either per node or per element depending on the input file.
'''This conversion is in beta stage and any feedback can be sent to support@tuflow.com.<br>
'''This conversion is in its beta stage of development. Currently, the utility can only process 2D results. 1D channel result are currently not supported. Any feedback regarding this utility function is welcome and can be sent to support@tuflow.com.<br>
<li><tt>res_to_res.exe -ensight results1.xmdf</tt></li>
<li><tt>res_to_res.exe -ensight results1.xmdf</tt></li>

Revision as of 05:09, 13 February 2015


    This utility performs a variety of operations on the TUFLOW 2D outputs. Valid formats are .xmdf (as of utility version 2012-10-AC) and .dat files. This page is split into two section, utility operations (e.g. maximum, difference etc.) and general options. The general options can be used regardless of operation being performed. The table of contents can be used to jump to a desired operation.


    The section below contains a list of the operations that the utility can perform. One of these operations must be specified or the utility will generate an error.


    Input Switch: -max
    This can be used to extract the maximum from a number of input datasets. Any number of input files can be specified. If a maximum folder exists in an .xmdf file for the type specified, this dataset will be used, for dat files use -t99999 to use the maximum data in the .dat file.

  1. res_to_res.exe -max -t99999 results_1_h.dat results_2_h.dat results_3_h.dat
  2. Extracts the maximum water level from the three .dat files.
  3. res_to_res.exe -max -typeH results_1.xmdf results_2.xmdf results_3.xmdf
  4. As above but for results stored in xmdf file format.


    Input Switch: -dif
    This can be used to compare two datasets. If a third files is specified, the third file is used as the output file. The output filename can also be specified with the -out option. The output is the first results minus the second result file.
    A special wet/dry algorithm is used. If water level results are not specified (_h.dat or -typeH), the algorithm opens these files, as well as opens the .2dm file associated with the results files, and uses the water levels and ZH Zpt values (for 2D cells) and elevations at the WLL triangle corners to determine whether a node (corner of an mesh element) is wet or dry. This allows two special values to be output in the event that a node is dry in one results file and wet in the other or vice versa. A value of -99 is used to indicate that a node is dry in the first results file, but is flooded in the second results file, while +99 indicates that the node was wet in the first results file but is dry in the second results file. Specifying -nowetdry does not carry out a wet/dry check using the water level results.
    The -t option can be used to carry out the difference at a particular time (rather than all times). The most common time is to take the difference at the flood peak, ie. specify t99999.

  5. res_to_res.exe -dif results_developed_h.dat results_existing_h.dat
  6. Extracts the difference in water level, the output is results_developed_h - results_existing_h for all timesteps.
  7. res_to_res.exe -dif -typeH -nowetdry results_developed.xmdf results_existing.xmdf
  8. Extracts the difference in water level for the maximum water level and suppresses the wet/dry check described above.


    Input Switch: -dur<cut of value>
    Determines the duration in hours that the the results exceed the cut of value.
    Note: A preferable approach is to use the .tcf file command: Time Output Cutoff Depths == <cut of value or values>. With this command specified TUFLOW tracks this on a timestep by timestep basis rather than post processing this at the map output interval.

  9. res_to_res.exe -dur0.1 -typeD results.xmdf
  10. Extracts the duration in flooding above 0.1m deep.


    Input Switch: -k<output time>
    Can be used to extract a single timestep from a results file. This is useful to extract the maximums to a separate file making it easier to transfer electronically. To keep a range of output times see the -range option below.

  11. res_to_res.exe -k99999 results_h.dat
  12. Creates a new results file containing just the maximum from the water level results.
  13. res_to_res.exe -k2.5 -typeV results.xmdf
  14. Creates a new results file containing just velocity results for the 2.5 hour output.


    Input Switch: -rangeA<start time> -rangeB<end time>
    Extracts all timestep between start time and end time (inclusive) into a separate results file.

  15. res_to_res.exe -rangeA1 -rangeB2.5 results_q.dat
  16. Creates a new results file containing the outputs between 1.0 and 2.5 hours. Both 1 and 2.5 hour outputs are included.
  17. res_to_res.exe -rangeA1 -rangeB2.5 results.xmdf
  18. As above but for xmdf input files.


    Input Switch: -r<output time>
    Creates a new output file and removes the output time from this.

  19. res_to_res.exe -r3 results_d.dat
  20. Creates a new output file which does not include the output at 3.

    Trim Values

    Input Switch: -trim<value>
    Creates a new output file which has any values above <value> set to <value>. If the input is a vector data, the vector magnitude is used to trim the value (direction is unchanged).

  21. res_to_res.exe -trim5 -typeV results.xmdf
  22. Creates a new output of velocity with any outputs greater than 5.0 set to 5.0.


    Input Switch: -times
    Creates a text file which contains the output times in the .dat or xmdf file. If no output filename is specified with the -out option the output file will be called "times.txt". For xmdf files see also the -xnfo option below.

  23. res_to_res.exe -times results_h.dat
  24. Creates an an output file "times.txt" which contains all timesteps that are contained in the results file.

    XMDF Information

    Input Switch: -xnfo
    Creates a text file which contains a list of the datasets contained within the .xmdf file. The number of output times and the output times are also exported to the text file.

  25. res_to_res.exe -xnfo -out xmdf_info.txt results.xmdf
  26. Creates an an output file with the specified filename "xmdf_info.txt", which contains information about the contents of the xmdf file.

    Vector Angle

    Input Switch: -va
    Outputs the vector direction in degrees relative to north (North = 0°, East = 90°, South = 180°/-180°, West = -90°). Examples

  27. res_to_res.exe -va results_v.dat
  28. Outputs the velocity direction for all timesteps in the results_V.dat file.


    Input Switch: -con
    Concatenates (joins) two or more results files into one. Each results file must be from the same 1D/2D mesh. Examples

  29. res_to_res.exe -con results1_h.dat results2_h.dat results3_h.dat
  30. Joins the three files into a single .dat file.
  31. res_to_res.exe -con -typeH results1.xmdf results2.xmdf results3.xmdf
  32. Joins the water level results contained in the .xmdf files into a single


    Input Switch: -conv
    Converts between .dat and .xmdf format results. Not to be confused with -con (concatenate option described above)! Examples

  33. res_to_res.exe -conv -typeH -t99999 results1.xmdf
  34. Converts the maximum water level results in the xmdf file into .dat file format.
  35. res_to_res.exe -conv results1.xmdf
  36. Converts all datasets and times in the .xmdf file into .dat file format. This will output a number of .dat files.
  37. res_to_res.exe -conv results1_h.dat
  38. Converts all times in the .dat file into xmdf file format.

    Time of Inundation / Time of Increase

    Input Switch: -toi<cutoff>
    Calculates the time taken for the results to increase by the cutoff. For example if a value of 0.2 is used for a depth grid, the output result contains the time required for the depth to increase by 0.2m. If there are depth values greater than 0.2 initially (due to initial water level conditions), the output is the time for the depth to increase by 0.2m. For dry areas it is the time for the depth to reach 0.2m. Examples

  39. res_to_res.exe -toi0.2 -typeD results1.xmdf
  40. Extracts the time taken for the depth to increase by 0.2m

    Ensight (beta)

    Input Switch: -ensight
    Converts an .xmdf file (.dat not yet supported) into Ensight Gold format.
    If the input dataset is corner based (standard output) the Ensight results are output as scalar / vector per node (cell and triangle corners).
    If the result is high resolution (Map Output Format == xmdf high res) then the Ensight results are per element. For 2D cells this is based on the cell centre output, for triangles (1D water level lines) this is based on an interpolation of the triangle vertices. The conversion produces the following output files:

    • Ensight case file;
    • Ensight geometry file;
    • Ensight results as either per node or per element depending on the input file.

    This conversion is in its beta stage of development. Currently, the utility can only process 2D results. 1D channel result are currently not supported. Any feedback regarding this utility function is welcome and can be sent to support@tuflow.com.

  41. res_to_res.exe -ensight results1.xmdf
  42. Converts all datasets in the xmdf file into Ensight format.

    General Options

    Batch Mode

    Input Switch: -b
    Batch mode suppresses prompt to press Enter at end of processing. Used in .bat files where two or more files are to be processed in succession.

    Output Filename

    Input Switch: -out "output_filename"
    Sets the output filename. This is not available for all outputs, particularly where multiple output files are required!

    Time Search Tolerance

    Input Switch: -dttol<search tolerance>
    Allows the user to specify the time search tolerance. This is particularly useful for TUFLOW FV model results, as model uses an adaptive timestep the output time might not exactly match the desired output interval. If hourly output is requested the closest output might actually be 01:00:05 (HH:MM:SS). If extracting results at time 1, the requested time may not be found due to time search tolerance. The default value is 0.001.

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