TUFLOW Message 1278

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 1278 - Pit <pit ID> inlet level is below lowest channel/pipe bed.
ERROR 1278 - Pit Entry Level = <value> Lowest Channel/Pipe Invert = <value>

Alternate Message
WARNING 1278 - Pit <pit ID> inlet level is below lowest channel/pipe bed.

Message Type

The inlet level for the pit below the lowest connect channel / culvert.

Check inputs and ensure that invert levels are being correctly specified.

SGS model: Users may receive this error after converting a working non-SGS model to an SGS model. In a non-SGS model, the cell elevations are sampled at the cell centres, while an SGS model samples DEM elevations inside the cells based on the SGS sample distance and uses the lowest elevation inside the cell as the “pit inlet level”. Therefore, an SGS model might have picked up an elevation lower than the pipe invert level. In such case, the "US_Invert" attribute of the 1d_nwk GIS layer can be used to manually specify the ground elevation of the pit. If possible, it is also suggested to review the cell size of the model, so that the model doesn't sample an elevation far away from the pit.

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