TUFLOW Viewer - Batch Exporting Maps

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Revision as of 17:18, 28 April 2021 by Ellis Symons (talk | contribs)
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Tool Description

TUFLOW Viewer offers the ability to batch export maps using mesh layers (does not support other result types yet e.g. time series, particles - it may be possible to use work arounds to get these types to work). This tool does not seek to replace other similar tools that may be inherently built in to QGIS, however does offer the ability to:

  • automatically add plots from the mesh layer to the maps
  • automatically load mesh results, plot, and export maps

It also offers convenience functionality for adding items such as a legend, images, scales etc, however these can also be added manually in the print layout.

The following steps through the process of batch exporting maps:

  1. Open the batch export map tool via Export >> Export Maps
    Maps BatchExport Menu.PNG
  2. On the layout tab, the user has the option to use a Default Layout or a Custom Layout. A cusom layout uses a Print Layout Template (.qpt) as an input. The recommended workflow is to:
    1. Use the Default Layout as a starting point
    2. Customise the layout using the print layout in QGIS
    3. Export the print layout as a template (.qpt)
    4. Use Custom Layout using the template file

    Maps LayoutTab DefaultCustom Options.PNG


The above steps serve as an example of how to batch export maps.


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