Check Files 2d grd

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This pages contains information on the attributes of the _grd_check file. This GIS contains a region object for each active (cell code 1) or null (cell code -1) cell. A number of the output attributes are only written if certain model features are enabled. For example, the SRF (Storage Reduction Factor) attribute is only included if any SRF commands are used in the model.

There are a number of attributes that are only output for TUFLOW GPU models, as the GPU model is a cell centred scheme certain properties such as Manning's roughness and Form Loss are applied at the cell centre, whilst in TUFLOW these are applied at the cell side (refer to the TUFLOW manual for a more detailed explanation). These GPU only attributes are noted in the table below. Attributes of grd_check

Attribute Name Attribute Description
n Row number in the TUFLOW domain
m Column number in the TUFLOW domain
Code The cell code status. This is 1 for active cells and -1 for null cells that are included in the mesh. Refer to the TUFLOW Manual for more information on the cell codes.
Material The material ID.
ZC The cell centre elevation.
IWL The initial water level value. If the initial water level set in the model is below the cell elevation (ZC) or is no initial water level has been set, the cell elevation plus the model wet / dry depth is output. Note, this value is rounded to 3 decimal places.
Domain_Index The index of the model domain. This is the order with Start 2D Domain == <Domain Name> commands appears in the .tcf control file. For a single domain model this will be 1.
Mann_n (GPU model only) The Manning's n value for the cell. This is only output for a GPU model only as the GPU model is a cell centred scheme and the Manning's n value is applied at the cell centre. For a TUFLOW "classic" simulation the Manning's is applied at the cell side and this is output in the _uvpt_check
FLC (GPU model only) Form loss coefficient, this is only output for a GPU model only as the GPU model is a cell centred scheme and the FLC value is applied at the cell centre. For a TUFLOW "classic" simulation this is applied at the cell side and this is output in the _uvpt_check
CWF_x (GPU model only) Cell width factor in the x-direction. This is only output for a GPU model only as the GPU model is a cell centred scheme and the CWF value is applied at the cell centre. For a TUFLOW "classic" simulation this is applied at the cell side and this is output in the _uvpt_check
CWF_y (GPU model only) Cell width factor in the y-direction. This is only output for a GPU model only as the GPU model is a cell centred scheme and the CWF value is applied at the cell centre. For a TUFLOW "classic" simulation this is applied at the cell side and this is output in the _uvpt_check
SRF (only if SRF feature used) The Storage Reduction Factor for the cell.
Soil_ID (only if soil feature used) The Soil ID for the cell. This is only output if a Set Soil, Read GIS Soil or Read GRID Soil command is specified for the simulation.

This file is very useful to apply a style or thematic map to. See the Tips for visualising check files page.
This allows a very easy way to visualise the final properties for large models.

An grd_check file styled by the soil ID is below (in QGIS).
Grd check SoilID1.JPG

An example of a grid check file shaded by Material ID is below (in MapInfo).
MI thematic map 04.jpg