XPSWMM to TUFLOW-SWMM Troubleshooting

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This page is a work in progress. Please contact support@tuflow.com for assistance.


This page contains alternate methods for XPSWMM to TUFLOW SWMM conversion and outlines common conversion issues and steps to troubleshoot them.

Model Conversion Without a XPSWMM License

The steps below are a guide on ways to convert a XPSWMM model to TUFLOW SWMM without a valid XPSWMM license. This process is not recommended and may cause issues in the converted TUFLOW model. For assistance converting an XPSWMM model without a license, please contact support@tuflow.com.

With access to the XPSWMM Viewer and no valid XPSWMM license, the XPX data can be exported from the XPSWMM model, however, the DTM data and 2D model files cannot be exported. Follow the steps outlined here to Export XPX Data From XPSWMM.

Without a valid XPSWMM license, the XPX data, DTM data and 2D model files cannot be exported from the XPSWMM model.

With Access to the XPSWMM Viewer

Without Access to the XPSWMM Viewer

Common Conversion Issues

XPX Tool

Some conversion messages may be addressed/resolved by completing the Recommended Additional Conversion Steps.

There are different levels to the conversion messages. An Error will abort the Convert - XPSWMM model from XPX tool and therefore may not generate a convert_messages.gpkg. There will be a description of the error in the tools log. Both Warnings and Checks will not abort the conversion process, and they will both be reported in the convert_messages.gpkg and the tools log. A Warning is more severe then a Check, however both messages should be reviewed to determine the cause.