QGIS SWMM Integrity Make Object Names Unique

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This tool adds a suffix (.#) to duplicately named SWMM features. SWMM features must be uniquely named to avoid errors when running the simulation.


This tool, Integrity - Make object names unique, can be found in the QGIS processing toolbox panel under TUFLOW >> SWMM. To open the Processing Toolbox panel, navigate to 'Processing' in the menubar and select 'Toolbox'.

Open processing toolbox.png


  1. Input SWMM Layer: The existing SWMM layer that will be updated.
  2. Selected features only: If feature(s) in the input SWMM layer have been selected using the 'Select Features' tool, this option will become available. If this is checked on, the tool will only update the features that have been selected.
  3. Cleaned Objects: Determines the location and filename of the output file.
    Note: If 'Edit Feature In-Place' is selected, the tool does not require any input parameters. Once the tool is double clicked in the processing toolbox, the selected layer will automatically be updated.

Integrity Make Object Names Unique Dialog a.png


Using the 'Edit Feature In-Place' tool:

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