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This Wiki page outlines recommended steps for conversion of an XPSWMM model to TUFLOW.
XPSWMM is a flood and urban stormwater drainage modeling software developed by Autodesk (previously Innovyze and XP Solutions). The XPSWMM solution uses EPA SWMM for its 1D calculations, dynamically linked to TUFLOW for its 2D calculations. The software functions within a custom build Graphical User interface (GUI). During simulation, XPSWMM calls a TUFLOW dynamic library for the 2D calculations. As XPSWMM uses TUFLOW for its 2D engine, XPSWMM and TUFLOW use the same 2D solution and will achieve identical results if configured in a like-for-like way.
Common user feedback suggests the XPSWMM GUI is useful for simple modeling projects; however, it can become cumbersome and inefficient in workflow when dealing with larger datasets and/or a large volume of different scenario and event simulations. In response to requests from USA XPSWMM users who want to convert XPSWMM models into a native TUFLOW format, TUFLOW linkage with 1D EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was added as a supported feature in TUFLOW 2023-03-AD release. The modeling workflow in TUFLOW differs from XPSWMM, as TUFLOW modeling is integrated with QGIS (Geographical Information System) GIS software. This GIS integration is well-suited for working with larger datasets. Additionally, the structural design associated with TUFLOW modeling makes its general workflow extremely efficient, particularly for the automated management of multiple scenarios and events.
If you are building a TUFLOW SWMM model from scratch, not from XPSWMM, please refer to the TUFLOW SWMM Tutorials. Tutorials are provided for the following topics:
- TUFLOW SWMM Module 1 - 1D SWMM Culverts
- TUFLOW SWMM Module 2 - 1D SWMM Pipe Network / 2D TUFLOW Direct Rainfall Hydrology
- TUFLOW SWMM Module 3 - 1D SWMM Pipe Network / 1D SWMM Urban Hydrology
- TUFLOW SWMM Module 4 - 1D SWMM Pipe Network / 1D SWMM Urban Hydrology: Executing multiple different event simulations from a single model control file.
TUFLOW Licensing / XPSWMM Discount
If you are an existing / or past XPSWMM perpetual license owner who would like to purchase a TUFLOW license, please contact sales@tuflow.com. You may be eligible for an XPSWMM / TUFLOW discount in recognition of past royalties Autodesk paid TUFLOW when you purchased an XPSWMM perpetual license.
Dataset Download
The XPSWMM model used for this model conversion demonstration is available for download here: XPSWMM to TUFLOW Model Conversion Dataset. If you are using this example conversion dataset, please rerun the XPSWMM model before beginning the conversion process.
This will generate the XPSWMM TUFLOW files and establish the correct file paths within them, aligning with the location where you have saved the dataset on your computer.
After completing the model conversion steps outlined in the following sections, if you would like to compare your constructed model against the version that was used for the various embedded videos, you can download the TUFLOW SWMM model dataset from: <<link>>
XPSWMM to TUFLOW Model Conversion
Two Dimensional (2D) Model Elements
XPSWMM writes TUFLOW model files when it pre-processes the model inputs defined in its GUI (prior to the hydraulic calculations). Using default settings, XPSWMM typically writes the TUFLOW files to the 2D\Data folder. follow these steps to extract and format the XPSWMM / TUFLOW 2D model features.
- Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Data Processing
- Convert XPSWMM Model to Recommended TUFLOW Structure
- Load Model in QGIS
One Dimensional (1D) SWMM Model Elements
The 1D culvert, pipe network and sub-catchment hydrology EPA SWMM items in the XPSWMM model need to be exported from the software and reconfigured for use by TUFLOW. Please follow the suggested workflow and instructions outlined below:
- Export 1D EPA SWMM Pipe Network Data from XPSWMM
- Configure 1D EPA SWMM Pipe Network Data for TUFLOW
- Export SWMM Hydrology
- Update SWMM Junction Data
- Export Update SWMM INP Files
TUFLOW Control File Updates
The linking between the 2D TUFLOW model and 1D SWMM is established within the TUFLOW control files. The following steps outline the basic commands needed to complete the linking process and execute the model.
The following steps will require use of a text editor. The tutorial demonstration uses Notepad++. For its configuration information refer to Notepad++ Tips. For a clean and organized model, it is recommended to name all the TUFLOW control files similarly. For example, 1D2D_Urban_001.tscf, 1D2D_Urban_001.tbc, 1D2D_Urban_001.tgc and 1D2D_Urban_5m_001.tcf.
Note: For this demonstration, all commands will reference the datasets in the provided conversion model. Please update these references with the filenames used in your model.
- TUFLOW SWMM Control File (TSCF)
- TUFLOW Boundary Control File (TBC)
- TUFLOW Geometry Control File (TGC)
- TUFLOW Control File (TCF)
- Optional: Format TUFLOW Control Files
TUFLOW Simulation Execution
Feedback / Suggestions
If you have any suggestions to be included in these pages, please email support@tuflow.com.
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