1D Culverts

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Page Under Construction


  • Advice on SX connections & number of cells to connect to 2D domain – implications
  • Flow regimes – theory behind each.
  • How to check for the flow regime – link to check file
  • How do we sub divide logic rules (operational culverts)*
  • Losses – fixed, Englehund, automatic manholes etc.
  • Provide some justification on the ‘default’ height/width, entry/exit losses.

Flow Regimes

The flow regime through a culvert are divided into the following types. Checking this information for any 1D culvert can be inspected from the _TSF.mif/_TSF_P.shp that outputs the regime at each output interval.

Regime Description
A Unsubmerged entrance and exit. Critical flow at entrance. Upstream controlled with the flow control at the inlet.
B Submerged entrance and unsubmerged exit. Orifice flow at entrance. Upstream controlled with the flow control at the inlet.
C Unsubmerged entrance and exit. Critical flow at exit. Upstream controlled with the flow control at the culvert outlet.
D Unsubmerged entrance and exit. Sub-critical flow at exit. Downstream controlled.
E Submerged entrance and unsubmerged exit. Full pipe flow. Upstream controlled with the flow control at the culvert outlet.
F Submerged entrance and exit. Full pipe flow. Downstream controlled.
G No flow. Dry or flap-gate active.
H Submerged entrance and unsubmerged exit. Adverse slope. Downstream controlled.
J Unsubmerged entrance and exit. Adverse slope. Downstream controlled.
K Unsubmerged entrance and submerged exit. Critical flow at entrance. Upstream controlled with the flow control at the inlet. Hydraulic jump along culvert
L Submerged entrance and exit. Orifice flow at entrance. Upstream controlled with the flow control at the inlet. Hydraulic jump along culvert.

TSF result file.JPG

Check Files

The table below highlights some of the commonly used check files when reviewing 1D culverts. The full list of TUFLOW check files can be found here.

Filename prefix / suffix Brief Description
Contains the inverts of the 1D nodes and at the ends of the 1D channels. Very useful for checking for smooth transitions from one channel to another and with the nodes.
GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the initial water levels at the 1D model nodes.
GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the final 1D model network. This check layer contains the channels of the 1D domain only. The _nwk_N_check layer contains the nodes.

The layers lines are coloured based on the channel type (available for the .mid/.mif format only).
Any generated pit channels are shown as a small channel flowing from north to south into the pit node. The upstream pit channel node that is generated is also shown. The length of the pit channel is controlled by Pit Channel Offset == command.

GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the final 1D model network. This check layer contains the nodes of the 1D domain only. The _nwk_C_check layer contains the channels.

The node symbology is displayed as a red circle for nodes connected to two or more channels, a larger magenta circle for nodes connected to one channel and a large yellow square for nodes not connected to a channel (available for the .mid/.mif format only). This is very useful for checking for channel ends or nodes that are not snapped.
The top and bottom elevations of the NA table at nodes is now shown using the Upstream_Invert and Downstream_Invert attributes.

Any further questions please email TUFLOW support: support@tuflow.com