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Start a TUFLOW simulation. The default control file is the most recent file in the TUFLOW\runs folder, the default executable is defined in the Configure / Create TUFLOW project. If the Configure / Create TUFLOW project tool has not been run, no default values exist, and you will need to select the TUFLOW executable and also the input control file.

As of QGIS 3.6 the Plugin also has functionality to run TUFLOW FV models. The process to run a TUFLOW FV model is analagous to TUFLOW but pointing to the TUFLOWFV\runs folder, the relevant *.fvc file (not *.tcf) and the TUFLOW FV executable.


TUFLOW Runner (version v3.11+)

Starting with version v3.11 you can also manage TUFLOW simulations by launching the TUFLOW Runner by choosing Run -> Launch TUFLOW Runner from the TUFLOW plugin menu. For more details about the TUFLOW Runner, please visit: TUFLOW Runner

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