Tutorial M06 002 GIS Inputs QGIS GPKG

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QGIS is used to create, import and view input data.

TUFLOW Project Re-Configuration

Re-configure the TUFLOW project to use and save empty files to the correct folder:

  1. Go to Plugins > TUFLOW > Editing > Configure / Create TUFLOW Project.
  2. Change the folder which contains TUFLOW to the Module_06 folder. This is the only change required, the model folder structure and template empty files are supplied from previous model.
    Note: The 'results' and 'check' folder get automatically created when the TUFLOW model is run.
  3. Click 'OK' and save the QGIS workspace by selecting Project > Save As.

    M06 GPKG ConfigureProject.PNG

  4. Set the QGIS workspace projection to EPSG:32760, see Set the Projection.


Set up the GeoPackage Database:

  1. Navigate to the Module_06\TUFLOW\model\gis folder. Save a copy of M02_001.gpkg as M06_002.gpkg.
  2. Within the QGIS Browser Panel, right click on 'Favorites' and select 'Add a Directory...'.
  3. Navigate to the Module_06 folder and select it.

Create a 2d_rf layer with digitised polygons based on the input rainfall hyetographs:

  1. Click on the ‘Import Empty File’ tool from the TUFLOW plugin toolbar.
  2. Select '2d_rf' from the Empty Type list.
  3. In the Run ID box write: 'M06_polygons_002'.
  4. Tick the 'Regions' Geometry Type.
  5. In the Spatial Database Options, select 'All to one'. Navigate to the Module_06/TUFLOW/model/gis folder and select M06_002.gpkg. Click Save and hit 'OK'.
  6. The 2d_rf_M06_polygons_002_R appears in the QGIS Layers Panel.

The same catchment breakup is used as the 2d_sa layer:

  1. Load in the 2d_sa_M01_001_R layer from M06_002.gpkg, either:
    • Within the QGIS Browser Panel, navigate to M06_002.gpkg and double click the layer, or
    • In File Explorer, drag and drop the M06_002.gpkg into the QGIS workspace and select the layer.
  2. Copy and paste the polygons from the 2d_sa layer into the 2d_rf:

  3. Open the attribute table of the 2d_rf layer and make the following edits:
    • Update names to match the names in the rainfall_stations.csv input data (RF_FC04, RF_FC05, RF_FC06, RF_FC07)
    • f1: 1
    • f2: 1
    The attributes f1 and f2 are multipliers adjusting the rainfall spatially. No adjustments are made, a value of 1, e.g. 100% of specified rainfall is used.
  4. Turn off editing to save the edits.


  • Polygons have been digitised based on input rainfall hyetographs.

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