Tutorial M10 002 Check Files QGIS GPKG

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QGIS is used to import the check files and review the dam break.


This tutorial introduces:

Review the check files:

  1. Open the file, either:
    • Within the QGIS Browser Panel, navigate to Module_10\TUFLOW\check\M10_5m_002_Check.gpkg and double click the following layer, or
    • M10_5m_002_vzsh_zpt_check_P
    • In File Explorer, navigate to the Module_10\TUFLOW\check folder, drag and drop the M10_5m_002_Check.gpkg into the QGIS workspace and select the layer above.
  2. Use the 'Apply TUFLOW Styles to Open Layers'.
  3. Use the 'Apply GPKG Layer Names'.
  4. The vzsh_zpt_check file contains information on the elevation points that change over time, elevation change, final elevation and trigger conditions.
    Note: [35;70] is a unique identifier of the grid cell that the water level trigger point is contained within. It comes from the the grd_check layer where, in this example, the attribute 'n' is 35 and 'm' is 70 for the cell containing the trigger.


  • The topographic modifications representing the dam break were inspected.

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