When outputting GIS files in the shapefile format, no styling information is (or can be included). For example when viewing a _zsh_zpt_check_P, the user may wish to view whether the zpt (elevation point) has been raised, lowered, or no change has been applied. This GIS layer contains an attribute dz and the symbology options can be used to achieve this. This can be done manually, or more conveniently, the TUFLOW plugin comes packaged with preset styles for almost every TUFOW check file and input type. The methods for applying the default TUFLOW template styling to layers are outlined below.
Note: Since v3.3, the styling tool will work on GPKG layers.
Apply TUFLOW Style to Current Layer
As the name implies, this will apply the symbology to the current layer in the layer control. If no template file exists for the layer type no change is made.
This tool has a button in the toolbar which looks like the below:
This can also be accessed from the QGIS Menu Plugins >> TUFLOW >> Apply TUFLOW Styles to Current Layer menu item.
Apply TUFLOW Styles to Open Layers
As the name implies, this will apply the symbology to all open layers in the layer control (even if the visibility is turned off). This is particularly useful if loading in the .qgs project file from TUFLOW as this loads all of the input and output GIS files for the simulation, after loading if this tool is applied all output files will have a symbology applied.
If no template file exists for a layer type no change is made.
This tool has a button in the toolbar which looks like the below:
This can also be accessed from the the QGIS Menu Plugins >> TUFLOW >> Apply TUFLOW Styles to Open Layers.
Overwriting Style Templates
A lot of the default styles are pulled from a database of .qml files located within the TUFLOW plugin installation directory. To overwrite any given style, the user just needs to save over an existing .qml file with their preferred styling. The .qml files are named to match the name of the file they will be applied to e.g. "1d_wll.qml" for an input 1D_WLL file and "_dom_check_R.qml" for a Domain check file. It's usually possible for the user to also create a new .qml if one doesn't already exist as long as it follows the same naming convention as the other .qml files and matches a TUFLOW type.
The location of the .qml files:
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