TUFLOW CATCH Tutorial M01 Draft
Page Under Construction
In this module, a TUFLOW CATCH pollutant export model is developed.
TUFLOW CATCH Tutorial Module 1 is built from the model created in TUFLOW Tutorial Module 6 - Part 3. The completed TUFLOW Module 6 (part 3) is provided in the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOW folder of the download dataset as the starting point for this tutorial. If you are not already familiar with TUFLOW, we recommend first completing Module 1, 2, 3 and 6 of the TUFLOW Tutorials to establish an understanding of 1D and 2D TUFLOW modelling, as well as direct rainfall models.
Project Initialisation
TUFLOW CATCH models are separated into a series of folders which contain the input and output files. The recommended set up for the model directory and sub-folders is shown below. The top level folder should be called Modelling and contain three subfolders: TUFLOW, TUFLOWCatch and TUFLOWFV. more info?? For a more detailed description, refer to the TUFLOW CATCH Manual.
Folder | Sub-Folder | Description |
TUFLOW | bc_dbase | Contains TUFLOW boundary condition database(s) and input time-series data. |
catch | Internal use - holds files that are produced during computation, but deleted when the simulation finishes successfully. | |
check | Not used, but produced? for consistency. All TUFLOW check files are written to the TUFLOWCatch\check folder. | |
model | Contains the .tgc, .tbc and other TUFLOW model control files, except for the layers and grid inputs which are located in the model\gis folder and model\grid folders respectively. | |
model\gis | Contains the TUFLOW GIS vector layers. | |
model\grid | Contains the GIS raster layers | |
results | Not used, but produced? for consistency. All TUFLOW result files are written to the TUFLOWCatch\results folder. | |
runs | Not used, but produced? for consistency. TUFLOW CATCH simulations are run from the .tcc file in the TUFLOWCatch\runs folder. | |
TUFLOWCatch | bc_dbase | Contains the output boundary condition and time-series data. |
check | Contains the GIS and other check files produced by TUFLOW CATCH, TUFLOW and TUFLOW FV to carry out quality control checks | |
model | Not used. | |
results | Contains the result files produced by TUFLOW CATCH, TUFLOW and TUFLOW FV. | |
runs | Contains the .tcc simulation control file. | |
runs\log | Contains the log files (e.g. .catchlog, .tlf, .log, etc) and _messages.shp files produced by TUFLOW CATCH, TUFLOW and TUFLOW FV. | |
TUFLOWFV | bc_dbase | Contains TUFLOW FV boundary conditions, often with additional sub-folders for specific boundary condition types (e.g. meteorology: bc_dbase\met). |
check | Not used, but produced? for consistency. All TUFLOW FV check files are written to the TUFLOWCatch\check folder. | |
model\csv | Contains any .csv input files. | |
model\geo | Contains the GIS raster layers and the model mesh. | |
model\gis | Contains the TUFLOW FV GIS vector layers. | |
results | Not used, but produced? for consistency. All TUFLOW FV result files are written to the TUFLOWCatch\results folder. | |
runs | Not used, but produced? for consistency. TUFLOW CATCH simulations are run from the .tcc file in the TUFLOWCatch\runs folder. | |
stm | Contains the sediment transport module files. | |
wqm | Contains the water quality module files. |
The TUFLOW CATCH folder can be set up manually, or automatically through the link TUFLOW CATCH QGIS Plugin.
GIS Inputs
Create, import and view input data:
TUFLOW Boundary Condition Database (bc_dbase)
Update the bc_dbase with a reference to the timeseries temperature data:
- In Windows File Explorer, navigate to the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Tutorial_Data folder. Copy the temperature.csv and paste it in the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOW\bc_dbase folder. This file contains the timeseries temperature data.
- Open the file. As this file will be read by TUFLOW CATCH, the first column must contain the date in isodate format (DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss). It will also be read by TUFLOW HPC, and therefore must have column specifing time in hours from beginning of the model. In this case, the 'TUFLOW_Time' column contains the time in hours. For example, 01/01/2021 10:00:00 corresponds to 0, 01/01/2021 11:00:00 to 1, and so on.
File:Image of temp.csv
- In the Modelling\TUFLOW\bc_dbase folder, save a copy of the bc_dbase_M06_001.csv as bc_dbase_TC01_001.csv.
- Open the file and add the reference to the timeseries temperature data as shown below:
File:Image of bc dbase
- Save the bc_dbase.
Surface roughness or bed resistance values (e.g. Manning’s n) are assigned to material IDs. To simulate a more complex catchment area, more material IDs have been specified.
- In Windows File Explorer, navigate to the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Tutorial_Data folder. Copy the materials_TC01_001.csv and paste it in the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOW\model folder. This file is a modified version of materials_M06_002.csv from TUFLOW Tutorial Module 6.
- Open the file. Roughness values (Manning's n) have been applied to the five new material IDs:
File:Image of mat file
- These new material IDs will each have different pollutant export properties. This is why a different ID has been assigned to each paddock. talk about what is on each paddock??
TUFLOW Soil File (.tsoilf)
Simulation Control Files
The following steps will require use of a text editor. The tutorial demonstration uses Notepad++. For its configuration information refer to Notepad++ Tips.
TUFLOW Geometry Control File (TGC)
- Save a copy of M02_001.tgc as TC01_001.tgc in the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOW\model folder.
- Open the TC01_001.tgc in a text editor and add the following line after the 'Read GIS Mat' command.
Read GIS Mat == gis\2d_mat_TC01_001_R.shp ! Sets material values according to attributes in the GIS layer
Assigns the extra materials values more info. - Save the TGC.
TUFLOW Boundary Control File (TBC)
- Save a copy of M06_003.tbc as TC01_001.tbc in the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOW\model folder.
- Open the TC01_001.tbc in a text editor and update the reference to the 2D boundaries:
Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_TC01_001_L.shp ! Reads in downstream 2D boundary
- Add the additional lines:
Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M03_culverts_001_P.shp ! Links the 1D culverts to the 2D domain
Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M03_culverts_001_R.shp | gis\2d_bc_M03_culverts_001_L.shp ! Links the 1D culverts to the 2D domain
- Save the TBC.
- Create a new text file TC01_001.ecf and save it in the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOW\model folder.
- Open the TC01_001.ecf in a text editor and add the following command lines to set the 1D computational timestep and define the culverts:
Timestep == 0.5 ! Specifies a 1D computational timestep as 0.5 seconds
Read GIS Network == gis\1d_nwk_M03_culverts_001_L.shp ! Defines culverts - Add the following command line to define the Advection Dispersion (AD) approach. For more information on Advection Dispersion, please refer to the TUFLOW Manual.
AD Approach == METHOD A ! Sets the modelling approach for the Advection Dispersion through 1D channels - Save the ECF.
The TUFLOW CATCH QGIS plugin has created a .tcc template file populated with .... Including adding the exe file paths.
Global Settings
Applied to the whole simulation. more info
- Navigate to the TUFLOW_CATCH_Module_01\Modelling\TUFLOWCatch\runs folder and open TC01_001.tcc into a text editor.
- In the 'Simulation Settings' section, update the time commands:
Start Time == 01/01/2021 10:00:00 ! Specifies the simulation start time
End Time == 01/01/2021 13:00:00 ! Specifies the simulation end time
- In the 'Boundary Condition Configuration' section, update the BC and CSV output intervals:
Catch BC Output Interval Nodestring == 300 ! Outputs BC nodestring data every 300 seconds
Catch BC Output Interval Lateral == 300 ! Outputs BC lateral data every 300 seconds
CSV Write Frequency Day == 0.01 ! Writes CSV output every 0.01 days
Catchment Hydraulic Model
Hydraulic model specific commands - similar to TUFLOW tcf
- Set the catchment hydraulic model:
Catchment Hydraulic Model == HPC - Set the zero date. TUFLOW HPC does not support ISODATE format, while TUFLOW FV requires it. This command ensures compatibility by setting the date in TUFLOW FV ISODATE format that corresponds to zero hours in TUFLOW HPC boundary condition files.
Zero Date == 01/01/2021 10:00 ! Specifies the simulation start time in TUFLOW FV ISODATE format
- In the 'GIS' section, update the following commands:
GIS Format == SHP ! Specify SHP as the output format
TIF Projection == ..\..\TUFLOW\model\grid\DEM.tif ! Sets the GIS projection for the output grid files
SHP Projection? caused errors I think - In the 'Solver' section, set the timestep maximum and time format:
Timestep Maximum == 2.5 ! Specifies a maximum timestep (seconds)
Time Format == TUFLOWFV ! Specifies the time format of output results
Pollutant Export Model
Receiving Model
For this tutorial, leave all commands as is. This section of the .tcc will be discussed in the next tutorial.
Running the Simulation
- In Windows File Explorer, navigate to the Modelling\TUFLOWCatch\runs folder. The TUFLOW CATCH plugin created a batch file (.bat) that references the .tcc called Demonstration.bat.
- Save a copy of Demonstration.bat as _run_TC01_CATCH.bat maybe change name?? and open the file in a text editor.
- Update the batch file to reference the TUFLOW CATCH executable:
set exe="..\..\..\..\exe\TUFLOWCATCH\2025.0.1\TUFLOWCATCH.exe"
%exe% TC01_001.tcc - Double click the batch file in file explorer to run the simulation.
See tips on common mistakes and troubleshooting steps if the model doesn't run:
Check Files and Results Output
Complete the steps outlined in the following links to review check files and simulation results from the TUFLOW CATCH pollutant export model simulation:
TUFLOW CATCH Tutorial 01 Check Files
TUFLOW CATCH Tutorial 01 Results