User Guide Free Demo

From Tuflow
Revision as of 09:41, 4 December 2023 by Emilie Nielsen (talk | contribs)
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This section is relevant for people who are trialing TUFLOW without a licence. Please refer to Local Licence User Guide or Network Licence New User Guide if you have a licence.

  1. Download the latest TUFLOW executable from the TUFLOW website: Tuflow Release Download. TUFLOW is a standalone console application. As such, it doesn't require installation to run.
  2. Download the TUFLOW Tutorial Dataset: Tutorial Dataset
  3. User documentation is available from the Tutorial Model Introduction section of the Wiki. Learn how to use TUFLOW by following the user documentation.
  4. Run TUFLOW using any of the options listed in the Running TUFLOW section of the Wiki.
  5. After gaining an understanding of TUFLOW through the tutorial model dataset you may be interested in developing some of your own models for testing. A free Demo option is included within the standard TUFLOW executable. The free Demo version is fully enabled, though has the following limits:
    • 100,000 total cells and 30,000 active (potentially flooded) cells
    • 100 1D channels
    • There can on be is only one 2D domain (multiple 2D domains are not supported)
    • A simulation time of 10 minutes.
    The free Demo mode is called using the TUFLOW Control File (TCF) command: Demo Model == ON
  6. Over 60 example models demonstrating the most commonly used TUFLOW features are available from the Example Models section of the Wiki. These models call the Demo mode mentioned above, and as such don't require a licence to run. Use these models to learn how to implement features not included in the TUFLOW Tutorials. Refer to the TUFLOW Manual for further supporting information.
  7. Other useful information is contained in the Wiki. In particular new users often find the Tips and Tricks section on the right-hand side of the home page and the Modelling Guidance sections particularly useful.
  8. If you're interested in becoming a part of the TUFLOW User Community please join the LinkedIn User Group.
  9. Please email if you have any technical questions or if you would like to purchase a licence. Price information is available from the TUFLOW Website