Running TUFLOW

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TUFLOW is a standalone console application. As such, it doesn't require installation to run. The standard TUFLOW setup steps are listed below.

  • Free DEMO and Tutorial Version of TUFLOW:
  1. Download the latest TUFLOW executable from the TUFLOW website: TUFLOW Release Download
  2. Download the TUFLOW Tutorial and Demo models: Tutorial Model Download
  3. Run TUFLOW using any of the options listed below. User documentation for the tutorial models is available from the Tutorial Model Introduction section of the Wiki.
  • Licensed Version of TUFLOW:
  1. Download the latest TUFLOW executable from the TUFLOW website: TUFLOW Release Download
  2. Download and install the Licensing Dongle Drivers: Installing Licensing Software
  3. Run TUFLOW using any of the options listed below.

Executable Management Advice

Save a copy of the downloaded TUFLOW executable files to a dedicated location (eg. C:\TUFLOW\Releases\)

A TUFLOW release consists of two different versions of the executable as follows:

  1. TUFLOW_iSP_w64.exe - Single Precision Windows 64-bit
  2. TUFLOW_iDP_w64.exe - Double Precision Windows 64-bit

Refer to the TUFLOW Manual for advice when best to use the different TUFLOW versions. Do not delete or relocate any files in the TUFLOW release folder. All files must be placed in the same folder and kept together at all times.

When replacing TUFLOW with a new build, we recommend archiving the past .exe and .dll files by creating a folder of the same name as the Build ID (e.g. 2013-12-AA-iSP-w64), and placing all files in this folder. Build ID information is appears in the top bar of the Console window when TUFLOW is executed, and is reported in the header of the .tlf file.
Executable File Management 001.png

Run Options

Single Simulation Execution

There are a number of ways TUFLOW can be started, in each case the TUFLOW executable is started with the TUFLOW control file (.tcf) as the input. There are a number of optional switches that can be used to control advanced features as outlined in the TUFLOW Manual.

Common ways of initialising a TUFLOW simulation are:

Multiple Simulation Management

Scheduling Simulations

Cloud Computing

Organisations with access to Cloud hardware may host Network Licences within their own cloud domain (private or public).
Click For Details: Organisation Cloud Software Execution.