1D Pits

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Pit types

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Real Life Examples

Some common pit types are shown below. Note: not all variations of side entry pits, grated pits, gully pits (pots) or any similar structure are displayed, the images are typical examples of what can be modeled as a 1D pit structure within TUFLOW.

UK Gully pits

Gully pit.jpg

Typical Kerbed Entry pits

Side Entry pit.jpg


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Pit Inlet Depth-Discharge database

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Pit search radius

Within the *.ecf the following command is required to have TUFLOW connect floating nodes into the 1D network where connectors are not snapped to channel ends:

Pit Search Distance ==xxx
Read GIS Network ==..\model\mi\1d_nwke_*****.MIF

The order of the Pit Search Distance command is important as it can be repeated multiple times with different values that are assigned to the 1d_nwke(s) below the Pit Search Distance command. There is an example on the TUFLOW Forum here that describes the setup of the commands within the .ecf.

To check if the Pit Search Distance is working as expected, import the *_nwk_C_check file to visually see if the pits are automatically connecting to a culvert. The image below is an example of the *_nwk_C_check file and the connections TUFLOW has made to each pit.
Pit search distance check.JPG

Any further questions please email TUFLOW support: support@tuflow.com