TUFLOW Message 2334

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TUFLOW Message
ERROR 2334 - Reading ESRI Grid file or premature end of file.

Alternate Message
ERROR 2334 - Exceeded limit of rainfall grids in file
ERROR 2334 - Reading Grid file header information
ERROR 2334 - Reading Grid file data. Check format and file is complete by viewing in GIS.

Message Type

This indicates that the ESRI ascii grid file does not contain a valid grid, or the file is incomplete. This file format (usually has the extension .asc or .txt) and is a plain text file (not binary) and can be opened in a text editor. At the top of the file, information on the size of the grid, the cell size and coordinates should be displayed. An example is below:
ncols 2284
nrows 3916
xllcorner 0.0
yllcorner 0.0
cellsize 5.0
NODATA_value -9999
After the header information should follow the ncols x nrows of data. If the file is not in a similar format to the above, the file is most likely not in the correct format.

Error 2334 - Reading ESRI Grid file or premature end of file
Open the file in a text editor to ensure that the file is in the correct format. If not, this may need to be re-exported from your GIS package. Instructions for doing so in command GIS packages are below:

Error 2334 - Exceeded limit of rainfall grids in file
There is a limit of 1000 rainfall grid entries in your bc_dbase. If you have more than 1000 this error will appear.

Error 2334 - Reading Grid file header information
Ensure the NODATA_value is set to -9999.

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