Tutorial Module09 Archive

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    In this module we will further develop the model from Module 01. Please complete Module 01 before attempting this tutorial, it is the starting point for the model updates documented below. We will be developing a multiple domain model that incorporates two different grid size within different portions of the model domain: a 2.5m 'FINE' grid and a 5m 'COARSE' grid. This module assumes that you have a good understanding of the different TUFLOW control files and are confident in navigating the TUFLOW file structure.
    Note: Running a multiple domain model without a valid multiple domain licence (i.e. in Tutorial Mode) can only be achieved using TUFLOW Build 2016-03-AD or newer.

    GIS Inputs

    Download the Tutorial Model dataset relevant to your GIS environment (ArcGIS, MapInfo or QGIS) from the TUFLOW website. For this module you have been provided 2d location lines, a code polygon for the fine resolution domain, boundary condition lines datasets for the model inflow, outflow and the 2D2D boundary link. To import these datasets for this tutorial, please select your GIS package from the list below.

    Tute M09 2d2d domain areas 2.5m5m2.JPG

    Modify Simulation Control Files

    Having completed all the necessary GIS file updates, we now need to update our TUFLOW control files.

    TUFLOW Control File (TCF)

    Multiple domain models are defined in TUFLOW using 2D domain blocks within the TUFLOW Control File (TCF). Each domain block is defined using Start 2D Domain == <name> and End 2D Domain commands. Unique TUFLOW Geometry Control (TGC) file, Boundary Condition Control (TBC) file, initial water level, plot output and time step commands are defined within each domain block. All other commands (such as the boundary condition database, material file references, ESTRY control file and simulation time and map output commands) are defined outside the above mentioned 2D domain blocks.

    We will create a new TCF based on Tutorial M01: M01_5m_002.tcf from your working TUFLOW\runs folder.:

    1. Open M01_5m_002.tcf in your text editor and save as M09_2D2D_001.tcf.
    2. Within the 'MODEL INPUTS' section, comment out (or delete) the "Geometry Control File" and "BC Control File" lines, using a comment character (! or #)
      ! Geometry Control File == ..\model\M01_5m_002.tgc
    3. ! BC Control File == ..\model\M01_5m_002.tbc
    4. Within the 'MODEL INPUTS' section, include the following commands:
      Start 2D Domain == COARSE
      Geometry Control File == ..\model\M09_2D2D_5m_001.tgc
      BC Control File == ..\model\M09_2D2D_5m_001.tbc
      Set IWL == 36.5
      Timestep == 1.5
      End 2D Domain

      Start 2D Domain == FINE
      Geometry Control File == ..\model\M09_2D2D_2.5m_001.tgc
      BC Control File == ..\model\M09_2D2D_2.5m_001.tbc
      Set IWL == 36.5
      Timestep == 0.5
      End 2D Domain
      Tip 1: Indenting commands within your Domain block makes your code more legible.
      Tip 2: The material and bc_dbase files can be read outside of the domain blocks as per a typical TUFLOW model.
    5. Add the command Reveal 1D Nodes == ON
      This command will include the location of 2D2D link boundary hidden 1D nodes within the nwk_N_check layer. refer for Multiple Domain 2D/2D Boundary Condition Guidance for more details about hidden 1D nodes.
    6. Comment out (or delete) the 'INITIAL WATER LEVELS' section and "Timestep" line, using a comment character (! or #).
      ! Set IWL == 36.5
    7. ! Timestep == 1.5
      The initial water level and timestep for each individual domain has been given within the Start 2D Domain and End 2D Domain blocks.
    8. We will also update the log, output and check folder locations for this tutorial:
      Log Folder == log
      Output Folder == ..\results\M09\2d
      Write Check Files == ..\check\2d\
      Time Series Output Interval == 300
    9. Adding the Time Series Output Interval command to the 'OUTPUT CONTROL AND FORMAT COMMANDS' section is required because of the Reveal 1D Nodes command. Excluding this output command will result in Error 0046 - 1D Output Interval not specified.
    10. Save the TCF file.

    TUFLOW Geometry Control (TGC)

    TUFLOW Geometry Control (TGC) files are required for the COARSE and FINE domains.

    Coarse Resolution Domain

    1. Open M01_5m_002.tgc in your text editor. Save the file as M09_2D2D_5m_001.tgc.
    2. Within the '2D DOMAIN EXTENT AND RESOLUTION COMMANDS' section, comment out (or delete) the "Origin" and "Orientation" lines using a comment character (! or #)
      ! Origin == 292725, 6177615
    3. ! Orientation == 293580, 6177415
      The 'Origin' and 'Orientation' method can be used in multiple domain models, however for this tutorial we will be using a 2d location line (2d_loc) to specify the grid origin and orientation.
    4. Include the following command to replace the 'Origin' and 'Orientation' commands that were removed above:
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS Location == mi\2d_loc_M09_5m_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS Location == gis\2d_loc_M09_5m_001_L.shp
    5. Update the grid size for the COARSE domain.
      Grid Size (X,Y) == 850, 575

      Tute M09 COARSE domain dimensions2.JPG

    6. Within the 'MODEL GRID COMMANDS' section, replace the Tutorial M01 referenced code boundary 2d_code_M01_002 with:
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS Code == mi\2d_code_M09_5m_001.MIF
      Read GIS Code Invert == mi\2d_code_M09_2.5m_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS Code == gis\2d_code_M09_5m_001_R.shp
      Read GIS Code Invert == gis\2d_code_M09_2.5m_001_R.shp
      If the extents of the 2D domains overlap, it is necessary to deactivate the overlapping cells in the other domain. Read GIS Code Invert is useful for this purpose. It allows any areas within the COARSE domain that overlap with the FINE domain to be deactivated (inverting the active code status of the FINE domain GIS feature).

      Tute M09 active null areas2.JPG

    7. Save the file.

    Fine Resolution Domain

    1. Open M09_2D2D_5m_001.tgc in your text editor. Save the file as M09_2D2D_2.5m_001.tgc.
    2. Update the 2d location line reference. Replace 2d_loc_M09_5m_001_L with 2d_loc_M09_2.5m_001_L:
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS Location == mi\2d_loc_M09_2.5m_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS Location == gis\2d_loc_M09_2.5m_001_L.shp
    3. Within the '2D DOMAIN EXTENT AND RESOLUTION COMMANDS' section, update the cell size value and domain grid dimensions:
      Cell Size == 2.5
      Grid Size (X,Y) == 725, 500
      The new domain dimensions are to account for the new 2d location line (2d_loc) for the FINE domain. The purpose of including a 2d location line for each domain is to ensure that the computational grid for each 2D area has as little redundant area as possible. Redundant area influences RAM allocation used to simulate the model. The inclusion of a smaller domain that has an inefficient domain shape can prolong model run times.

      Tute M09 FINE domain dimensions2.JPG

    4. Within the 'MODEL GRID COMMANDS' section, update the following commands:
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS Code == mi\2d_code_M09_2.5m_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS Code == gis\2d_code_M09_2.5m_001_R.shp
      There is no need to deactivate cells in the FINE resolution domain using the Read GIS Code Invert option since the 2.5m code polygon aligns exactly with the 2D2D boundary line (2d_bc_M09_2D2D_001) (i.e. the line is snapped to the polygon vertices)
    5. Existing elevation and material commands should remain unchanged in this example.
      Note: Different datasets in each TGC file can be specified if desired, though the elevations along the 2D2D interface must match to achieve a stable exchange of flow between both domains.
    6. Save the file.

    TUFLOW Boundary Control (TBC)

    TUFLOW Boundary Control (TBC) files are required for the COARSE and FINE domains.

    Coarse Resolution Domain

    1. Open M01_5m_002.tbc in your text editor. Save the file as M09_2D2D_5m_001.tbc.
    2. Comment out (or delete) the "Read GIS BC" command, using a comment character (! or #)
      MapInfo Users
      ! Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M01_002.mif
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      ! Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M01_002
    3. Do not comment out the Read GIS SA == 2d_sa_M01_002 inflow boundary command. The 2d_sa feature is situated in the COARSE domain and should remain.
    4. Include reference to the new file containing the upstream inflow location.
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M09_5m_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M09_5m_001_L.shp
    5. Add reference to the 2D2D boundary line used to transfer flow between the COARSE and FINE domains.
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M09_2D2D_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M09_2D2D_001_L.shp
    6. Save the file.

    Fine Resolution Domain

    1. Open M09_2D2D_5m_001.tbc in your text editor. Save the file as M09_2D2D_2.5m_001.tbc.
    2. As the 2d_sa_M01_002 inflow boundary is situated outside the FINE domain comment out or delete this layer from M09_2D2D_2.5m_001.tbc.
    3. Comment out the reference to the upstream inflow location (as it is not associated with the FINE resolution domain). Replace it with reference to the downstream outflow location:
      MapInfo Users
      ! Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M09_5m_001_L.MIF
      Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M09_2.5m_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      ! Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M09_5m_001_L.shp
      Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M09_2.5m_001_L.shp
    4. Add reference to the 2D2D boundary line. This command is replicated in both the COARSE and FINE domain TBC files.
      MapInfo Users
      Read GIS BC == mi\2d_bc_M09_2D2D_001.MIF
      QGIS or ArcGIS Users
      Read GIS BC == gis\2d_bc_M09_2D2D_001_L.shp
    5. Save the file. The TUFLOW simulation is now ready to run.

    Run Simulation and Review Results

    Run M09_2D2D_001.tcf using your preferred method, as described in Module 1.

    Note: release 2016-03-AD or newer is required to run this tutorial without a physical TUFLOW license. Earlier TUFLOW releases will not run the tutorial model, and will generate the error shown below.

    Tute M09 licence error.JPG

    Review the model Map Output results in your preferred result viewing program (i.e. SMS, WaterRIDE, QGIS, Blue Kenue). Flood depth results are shown below. Notice the smooth transition in result across the 2D2D link.
    2D2D Module Depth Results.JPG

    Review Check Files

    Review the model check files after the simulation is completed. The following sections outline how the check files can be used to review each of the key changes we have made to the model.

    1D Nodes

    Flow is transferred between both domains via a series of hidden 1D nodes. The hidden 1D nodes act as storage for the passing of mass from one 2D domain to the other. Strange flow patterns can occur if the water profile is not close to linear between vertices, which can in turn lead to instabilities. As such, appropriate resolution of the hidden 1D nodes is an important feature of multiple 2D domain models. The location of hidden 1D nodes can be viewed in the M09_2D2D_001_nwk_N_check file.

    Tute M09 2d2d vector results 2.JPG

    Advice on appropriate hidden 1D node spacing is available here. More information concerning the nwk_N_check check file can also be found here.

    Multiple Domains

    The grd_check file is useful for confirming whether overlapping domains have been correctly deactivated. Import M09_2D2D_001_grd_check. Refer to Item 1 in Multiple Domain 2D/2D Boundary Condition Guidance.
    The 2d_to_2d_check file is useful to review the location of the 2D2D boundary condition cells. Import M09_2D2D_2.5m5m_001_2d_to_2d_check. The coloured grid cells highlight the boundary cells that are selected for each hidden 1D node that was previously specified using the "d" attribute. More information concerning the 2d_to_2d check file can be found here.

    Tute M09 2d2d check files2.JPG

    Tute M09 2d to 2d check info.JPG

    Additional Information

    • Further multiple domain modelling advice can be found here. The modelling guidance page discusses appropriate hidden 1D node spacing, 2D2D boundary line orientation and storage multiplier options.
    • There is also a webinar hosted by Bill Syme covering multiple 2D domains in more detail. You can find that presentation "Modelling with Difference Cell Sizes" here.

    Multiple 2D Domain Modelling Using HPC

    TUFLOW HPC and its GPU Module currently don't support multiple 2D domain functionality. Quadtree nesting is currently being developed and is expected to be released in late 2018.