TUFLOW Utilities
A number of utilities are available on the the TUFLOW website for Download. Many of the utilities are DOS executables and run without a graphical user interface, like the TUFLOW engine itself. There are also some excel macros and the GIS tools.
These utilities are described individually in the page linked below.
DOS Utilities
- TUFLOW_to_GIS.exe
- RES_to_RES.exe (replacing DAT_to_DAT.exe)
- ASC_to_ASC.exe
- Convert_to_TS1.exe
- TIN_to_TIN.exe
- xsGenerator.exe
- 12da_to_from_GIS.exe
- InfoWorks ICM to TUFLOW
- MIKE Flood to TUFLOW
- Flood_Modeller to TUFLOW
As with TUFLOW there are multiple methods for running the DOS executables. The most common methods are from a batch file and using the right mouse button on the input file.
- From a Batch File (.bat): Where there is more than one input file then a batch (.bat) file needs to be created. Batch files are also powerful when you want to bulk process data. These are simply a text file containing one or more lines that execute a utility as per the examples given in the examples sections of each utility. To execute the .bat file, double click on the file in Windows Explorer. To force the .bat file to pause at the end (and not simply disappear off the screen), enter the text “pause” on the last line of the file.
- Using the Right Mouse Button in Windows: The right mouse button functionality is only suited to operations that only require one file as an input. For example these method can be TUFLOW_to_GIS to create a 3D surface of the results. However, it would not be suitable for using dat_to_dat to calculate the difference between files.
GIS Utilities
QGIS Utilities
The TUFLOW plugin into QGIS are a series of utilities that area designed to improve the workflow and creation of TUFLOW models.
For more information on the TUFLOW Plugin, please see the following:
MapInfo Utilities
The miTools are a series of MapBasic utilities that are designed for making the creation and review of TUFLOW modellers more efficient in MapInfo. For more information on the miTools please see the TUFLOW website here.
Alternatively, queries on the miTools can be directed to miTools@tuflow.com.
Please see the MiTools Tips for a description of the TUFLOW MiTools.
ArcGIS Utilities
The ArcTUFLOW Toolbox and Toolbar are a series of utilities in ArcGIS that area designed to improve the workflow and creation of TUFLOW models.
For more information on the ArcGIS Toolbox and Toolbar, please see the following:
Excel Utilities
Please see the Excel Tips for a description of the TUFLOW Tools for Excel.
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