Main Page

From Tuflow
Revision as of 10:55, 22 July 2016 by Mitch3007 (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the TUFLOW Wiki

The TUFLOW Wiki contains information relating to the building, running and processing of hydraulic models using TUFLOW Classic. It is designed both as a repository of information and to allow for feedback. To get started please start browsing the categories below. The About page contains further information that might be useful for users new to both the Wiki and to TUFLOW. The Wiki is accessible to users that are not logged in, however to contribute in the discussion pages please register for an account and log in.

Note: Please note that this site is continually being enhanced with new content, therefore, new pages are being added and existing pages may be updated.
The TUFLOW Wiki is designed to be used in conjunction with the TUFLOW Forum and the TUFLOW website.


TUFLOW Message Database

Tutorial Model

Using Scenarios / Logic Control

The following modules are also planned:

  • Module 9 (Levee / Embankment Breach Modelling)
  • Module 10 (2D-2D Linked Model)
  • Module XX (Grouped Boundaries)
  • Module XX (Managing Multiple Events)
  • Module XX (Advanced Output Options)
  • Module XX (Variable Topography)

Demo Models

The following models were created as part of the Floodplain Management Association 2012 Annual Conference 2-D Modelling Challenge:

The following page provides a link to over 50 examples that showcase the most commonly used TUFLOW features and model configurations.

Tips and Tricks

Text Editor/Spreadsheet Software

GIS/GUI Software


Model Conversions


2,001 pages have been created