TUFLOW Check Files
If the Write Check Files == command is included in the .tcf (2D check files) and/or .ecf (1D check files) will be output from TUFLOW. These are a series of output files in both GIS (MapInfo or Shapefile format) and tabular data in .csv format. These check files contain information on the data processed by TUFLOW, for example the _zpt_check file contains the final elevation at each zpt in the model.
Managing Check Files
The 2D and 1D check files can be controlled separately by having the Write Check Files == in both the .tcf and .ecf files. However,
Write Check Files == in the .tcf file will automatically also write the 1D check files. There is no need to specify Write Check Files == in the .ecf file unless a different folder path for the files is desired.
The check files for big models can get very large and consume quite a lot of hard drive space. It is possible to exclude or include certain check file types. This is done by specifying either "Include" or "Exclude" to the left of the equals sign:
Write Check Files Exclude == <file list>
Write Check Files Include == <file list>
The file list is a space separated list of files. To exclude the large grd, uvpt and zpt files specify:
Write Check Files Exclude == zpt uvpt grd
To output only the gridded elevations (DEM_Z) the command would be :
Write Check Files Include == DEM_Z
Alternatively, the Write Check Files == command may be used without options to add a prefix to all check files or specify a location in which to write the files. If <file_prefix> is omitted or ends in a “\” to indicate a folder, the .tcf filename (without the .tcf extension) is prefixed to each check file. <prefix_list> can include a folder path that is normally set to the check folder. See the examples below for this subtle difference.
Write Check Files All ! writes all check files with no prefix to the same location as the .tcf file
Write Check Files == C:\tuflow\check\2d ! writes all check files to the folder “C:\tuflow\check” and prefixes with “2d”
Write Check Files == C:\tuflow\check\ ! writes all check files to the folder “C:\tuflow\check” and prefixes with the .tcf filename
Write Check Files == C:\tuflow\check ! writes all check files to the folder “C:\tuflow” and prefixes with “check”
Tips for Visualising Check Files
Depending on the size of the model, the check files may contain a large amount of data, for example the _grd_check file may contain thousands or millions of cells. As a modeller you probably won't inspect each cell to ensure that the data is value, however you may want to view this for the entire model. Thematic mapping or styling the input layers can be used in your GIS software to do this.
Some tips are given below for a range of GIS platforms, however, the functionality is likely to be available in almost all GIS platforms:
Check File Types
The check files are separated into 2D and 1D check files. The output location for these is controlled by commands in the .tcf and .ecf as described above. Not all check file types will be output for all models, if a model has no 2D Z Shape (2d_zsh) format topography modifiers then the _zsh_zpt check file type will not be output by TUFLOW. A list of the check file types is provided below. For more information on each of these please click on the page link.
It is also worth noting that the attributes of the check file may also change depending on the features in the model. If a model has soils specified (for infiltration) then the _grd_check file will contain the soil type for each grid cell. If no soils are specified this attribute is not output.
2D Check Files
The table below contains a complete list of the 2D check files. Note that for linked 2D/1D or 2D/2D models these check files are outlined in the sections below.
Filename prefix / suffix | Brief Description |
_2d_bc_tables_check.csv | Tabular data as read from the boundary condition database via any 2d_bc layers and after any adjustments (eg. time shift). Provides traceability to original data source. Note: the boundary values do not include the effects of any 2d_bc attributes such as f. |
_bcc_check.mif _bcc_check_R.shp |
GIS files providing trace back information and uses cells, rather than point/line objects to show 2D BCs. |
_DEM_M.flt _DEM_M.asc |
A DEM of the final material ID values, similar to the DEM_Z check grid described below. The .tcf command Grid Format can be used output this check file in ASCII format rather than the default FLT format. |
_DEM_Z.flt _DEM_Z.asc |
A DEM of the final ground/bathymetry elevations, including those from any 1D WLL mesh. The file is given a DEM_Z extension, and can be readily opened by most GIS and other GUIs. The default size of the grid cells is half the smallest 2D cell size. This can be changed using the Grid Output Cell Size == command. To exclude writing this file, include “DEM_Z” in the Write Check Files EXCLUDE list. The Grid Format == command can be used to control the format of the file. The DEM_M and DEM_Z check grids are written if the model start up is forced to only process the .tgc file. To do this, don’t specify or comment out, the BC Control File command. |
_dom_check.mif _dom_check_R.shp |
Contains a rectangle for each 2D domain showing the location, orientation and size of the domain. Within this domain, cells can be turned on or off, outside this domain no 2D calculations can be performed. |
_fc_check.mif _fc_check_R.shp |
GIS layer of the final arrangement of flow constrictions (FC). The flow constrictions are written as individual square cells of the same shape as the grid cells, even if the FC was specified using points or lines/polylines. |
_fcsh_uvpt_check.mif _fcsh_uvpt_check_P.shp |
Contains information on adjustments to the ZU/ZV cell sides as modified by Read GIS FC Shape == commands. |
_glo_check.mif _glo_check_P.shp |
GIS layer of any gauge level output (GLO) locations. |
_grd_check.mif _grd_check_R.shp |
GIS layer of the final 2D grid. Represents the final grid including modifications from the .tgc file, boundary specifications and flow constrictions. Note that the Material and bed resistance (eg. Mannings_n) attributes do not include any modifications due to flow constrictions as these are applied directly to the cell mid-sides (rather than the cell centre). To view these use the _uvpt_check.mif/.shp file. Can also be written at different stages within a .tgc file (see Write GIS Grid == command). The file contains all modifications to the 2D grid at the point in the .tgc file that it is written. |
_input_layers.mif | GIS layer containing full filepaths to all input layers used to compile the model. |
_lfcsh_uvpt_check.mif _lfcsh_uvpt_check_P.shp |
Contains information on adjustments to the ZU/ZV cell sides as modified by Read GIS Layered FC Shape == commands. |
_lp_check.mif _lp_check_L.shp |
GIS layer of any 2D longitudinal profile(s). |
_po_check.mif _PO_check_P.shp _PO_check_L.shp |
GIS layer of any 2D plot output location(s). The layer shows points and lines occurring from the cell centres, rather than their exact locations in the original file(s). For the shapefile the points and lines are output in separate files, see also FAQ Shapefiles. |
_sac_check.mif _sac_check_R.shp |
GIS layer of the lowest cell selected for Read GIS SA inputs, and cells selected if using Read GIS SA PITS. |
_sh_obj_check.mif _sh_obj_check_R.shp |
Contains objects such as buffer polygons used for wide lines, triangles generated for TINs within polygons, and regions and polylines for thick and thin lines to illustrate areas that have been modified by Create TIN Zpts (if the WRITE TIN option is specified), Read GIS Z Shape, Read GIS Variable Z Shape, Read GIS FC Shape and Read GIS Layered FC Shape commands. |
_uvpt_check.mif _uvpt_check_P.shp |
GIS layer containing the initial velocities, roughness value, FLC, WrF, FC lid depth and FC BD factor at the U and V points. For materials that vary Manning’s n with depth, the Manning_n attribute contains the Manning’s n value at the higher depth. |
_vzsh_check.mif _vzsh_check_P.shp _vzsh_check_L.shp |
Contains information on Zpts that have been modified by Read GIS Variable Z Shape == commands. |
_zln_zpt_check.mif _zln_zpt_check_P.shp |
GIS layer containing Zpts that have been modified by Read GIS Z Line == commands, the type of Z Line and the Z Line filename. This feature is very useful for checking which Zpts that the Z Lines have modified. Note: It does not include any GULLY lines. When written in .mif/.mid format, the points are given different symbology according to whether they have been raised or lowered (up or down triangles) or remain unchanged (a cross). |
_zpt_check.mif _zpt_check_P.shp |
GIS layer of the final 2D Zpts. Represents the final Zpts including all modifications from the .tgc file, and any flow constrictions in the .tcf file. Can also be written at different stages within a .tgc file (see the Write GIS Zpts command). The file contains all modifications to the 2D Zpts at the point in the .tgc file that it is written. This allows checking of the elevations at different stages of building the topography. |
_zsh_zpt_check.mif _zsh_zpt_check_P.shp |
Contains Zpts that have been modified by Read GIS Z Shape == commands. When written in .mif/.mid format, the points are given different symbology according to whether they have been raised or lowered (up or down triangles) or remain unchanged (a cross). |
1D Check Files
The table below contains a complete list of 1D check files.
Filename prefix / suffix | Brief Description |
_1d_bc_tables_check.csv | Contains the tabular boundary data for the 1D section of the model. |
_pit_inlet_tables_check.csv | Similar to the _1d_bc_tables_check.csv. It contains tabular data as read from the pit inlet database. |
1d_ta_tables_check.csv | Tabular data as read from tables via the 1d_tab layers for cross-section, storage and other data. Provides full traceability to original data source and additional information such as hydraulic properties determined from a cross-section profile. Flood Modeller XZ processed, and MIKE 11 processed cross-section data included. Refer also to the _xsl_check layer. |
_bc_check.mif _bc_check_P.shp |
GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the final 1D boundary conditions (BC). If no boundary conditions were specified, empty .mif/.mid or .shp files are written that can be used to set up a new layer. |
_hydroprop_check.mif _hydroprop_check_L.shp |
Contains the hydraulic properties at the top of the hydraulic properties tables as attributes of the 1D channels. Other information such as the primary Manning’s n is also provided. Very useful for carrying out quality control checks on the 1D channels. |
_inverts_check.mif _inverts_check_P.shp |
Contains the inverts of the 1D nodes and at the ends of the 1D channels. Very useful for checking for smooth transitions from one channel to another and with the nodes. |
_iwl_check.mif _iwl_check_P.shp |
GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the initial water levels at the 1D model nodes. |
_mhc_check.mif _mhc_check_P.shp |
GIS layer of manholes including any automatically created manholes. |
_nwk_C_check.mif _nwk_C_check_L.shp |
GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the final 1D model network. This check layer contains the channels of the 1D domain only. The _nwk_N_check layer contains the nodes. The layers lines are coloured based on the channel type (available for the .mid/.mif format only). |
_nwk_N_check.mif _nwk_N_check_P.shp |
GIS .mif/.mid or .shp files of the final 1D model network. This check layer contains the nodes of the 1D domain only. The _nwk_C_check layer contains the channels. The node symbology is displayed as a red circle for nodes connected to two or more channels, a larger magenta circle for nodes connected to one channel and a large yellow square for nodes not connected to a channel (available for the .mid/.mif format only). This is very useful for checking for channel ends or nodes that are not snapped. |
_WLLo_check.mif _WLLo_check_L.shp _xWLLo_check.mif _xWLLo_check_L.shp |
GIS layer of all the WLL objects read. The attributes provide information on which nodes that area associated with, etc. The _WLLo_check layers are written for ESTRY 1D domains, whereas the _xWLLo_check layers are written for external 1D domains, such as Flood Modeller or XP-SWMM. |
_WLLp_check.mif _WLLp_check_P.shp _xWLLp_check.mif _xWLLp_check_P.shp |
GIS layer of where the points were generated along the WLLs. These points can then be used for Read GIS WLL Points == command. The _WLLp_check layers are written for ESTRY 1D domains, whereas the _xWLLp_check layers are written for external 1D domains, such as Flood Modeller or XP-SWMM. |
_xsl_check.mif _xsl_check_L.shp |
GIS layer containing tabular data as read from 1d_xs input layers. Contains the XS ID and other useful information on the cross-section properties, etc. Refer also to _ta_tables_check.csv. |
_x1d_chans_check.mif _x1d_chans_check_L.shp |
GIS layer containing the location of 1D channels from an external 1D domain. |
_x1d_nodes_check.mif _x1d_nodes_check_P.shp |
GIS layer containing the location of 1D nodes from an external 1D domain. |
2D / 1D Check Files
The following check files will only be produced if a linked 1D / 2D model is created.
Filename prefix / suffix | Brief Description |
_1d_to_2d_check.mif _1d_to_2d_check_R.shp |
Displays the 2D cells connected to 1D nodes via 2D HX and 2D SX 2d_bc objects. For the .mif/.mid format cells connected to the same node are given the same colour to allow for easy visualisation of whether the right connections have been made. Additional information is supplied through the attributes. In the .mif layer, all SX cells connected to the same 1D node are grouped together as one object, and the Lowest_ZC_2D value is the lowest 2D cell ZC value of all the cells connected to the 1D node. For the .shp layer, it’s not possible to group the cells as one object, so each cell is separate, and therefore, when clicking on the SX cells, note that the value is still the lowest ZC of all 2D cells, not of the individual cell. For 2D HX links, the value is the ZC value of the individual cell. |
_x1D_H_to_2D.csv _x1D_H_from_2D.csv _2D_Q_to_x1D.csv _2D_Q_from_x1D.csv |
Contains the water levels sent to the 2D domain and the flows returned from the 2D to/from an external 1D scheme such as Flood Modeller or XP-SWMM. These files are only written when using the .tcf command Write X1D Check Files == ON. |
2D / 2D Check Files
The following check files will only be produced if a multiple 2D Domain (linked 2D / 2D model) is created.
Filename prefix / suffix | Brief Description |
_2d_to_2d_check.mif _2d_to_2d_check_R.shp |
Displays the 2D cells used to link two 2D domains together via a 2d_bc type “2D” boundary. Similar to the _1d_to_2d_check layer, the cells connected to the same hidden 1D node are given the same colour when using the .mif/.mid format. Use the command Reveal 1D Nodes == ON command in the .tcf to view the locations of the hidden 1D nodes. |